Worship is the heart of the Church. It is out of worship everything in the church's ministry and witness and life flows. Without worship, a church would be dead. A church exists primarily to worship God and to offer thanks for the saving grace made known in Jesus the Christ. Thankfulness is the essential ingredient of a Christian's spirituality. At Saint Andrew's we have committed ourselves to be a people of thanksgiving; thus, we celebrate the Eucharist (the thanksgiving) at every worship service. We have found that Christ truly comes to be with us at his table, and empowers us to be faithfully self-giving as God in Christ was and continues to be for us. It is our prayer that you will come to worship with us and experience the living Christ in Word and Table.
Our weekly worship schedule is as follows:
10:00 am - Worship Service with Children's Moment & Children's Sunday School
The Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, is celebrated at every worship service on every Sunday. Our Nursery room is open during the worship service if our littlest ones need some time apart.
Come and See!
Our weekly worship schedule is as follows:
10:00 am - Worship Service with Children's Moment & Children's Sunday School
The Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, is celebrated at every worship service on every Sunday. Our Nursery room is open during the worship service if our littlest ones need some time apart.
Come and See!